Saturday, July 11, 2009
HELLO! okay, as I promised I would blog. I think it will just be words because I don't really want to take out my hard disc and upload stuff. haha
So it has been about 1 week since I have been here, and I have to thank so many people who have helped me feel a little more comfortable. :)
As you know right now, I only have one friend who is Kim who has been so awesome and nice to me. She has been all friendly and supportive which I really need, everyone came overseas with a friend and I don't really have any.
So Kim brought me to her life group yesterday night, I have to admit I was very scared because I don't really know them and they knew everyone there. So it was quite hard for me try to act normal. haha when I don't really know people I tend to draw myself back. I'm super different when I'm comfortable in my surrounding. haha. =p
So her life group was pretty open and not shy to testify about their faith which I think was super good. it's something different and they have so much passion and fire for God which is really wonderful to see.
After that Kim and her Life group brought me to sunny bank, it's like where all the Chinese people hang out. quite funny! but I think in aussie, everything is so overpriced it's really hard to try to save money and you can't HAHAHA =p
Today, I went for lunch with another bunch of girls from another life group, my dad's friends. they are really nice and friendly and they taught me like a lot of things which was quite good.
Anyway, my brother is going to church, when he just told me that, I feel so happy for him and I think he is doing so well, he got like 90 and above for all his subjects. great! now I have to get the same as him or do even better. HAHAA
so yeah, I have to say. I MISS SINGAPORE!!! I MISS THE FOOD, PEOPLE AND MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. =( I feel like eating the carrot cake from zion road again. HAHA =p sigh. lucky I got to eat it with shu, char, cass and joyce before I left. :)
and I also want to thank everyone for all the wonderful letters that was given to me. I enjoyed reading every single one of it.
Babe! I love the storybook you did for me, it was a joy to read. love it!
Ale! I loved the video you made for me. I watched it again last night and I could not stop laughing. HAHAHAHAHA I BOOK YOU FOR TWILIGHT 2 OKAY! =P
I just loved everything! I think when I keep them next time, I would need a bigger letterbox at home because every letter I received form anyone goes into that box. I have letters from people when I was in primary school and all. :) MISS YOU ALL! TAKE CARE OKAY? LOVE LOVE!
in aussie they would say, cheers! SO CHEERS!
1:51 PM